Sunday, July 5, 2009

Freaking ICT

Before i go for in camp training, i have always heard about how relaxing other peoples' in camp is. They can everyday book out and act like civilian. What about mine??? zzz seriously no difference from active times.... There are actually NSFs in the camp who look more like NS men den me! Basically everyday during the MAPEX..i do not get to sleep until 3-4am..Worse is i am not OPs basically i am there just to watch. I feel like i am downgraded to become a men instead of a commander. I miss mortar platoon :(

Next week will be the three days two nights battalion mission exercise... time to camo on and let the freaking mosquitoes attack me :( Can't wait for this shit to be over soon.. I WANNA MR!!! AHHHHHHH!!!!!!

Now my feeling is just like Bruce Lee man.... WA TA!!!

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