Monday, April 26, 2010

Random Thoughts

1) Studying everyday indoors either at tampines library or school library makes all my hard work go down the drain. I am as white as a chicken again. Need to re-tan for my brown skin pffffft.
2) Three more weeks of mind boggling and bursting and i will offcially not be a student anymore. Finally.
3) Came upon this fact while watching Glee, a woman earns $0.70 for every dollar a men earn on the average in the SAME job. I feel so lucky to be a guy - Unparalleled advantage over women, look at how many "oldies" are there in the Star Awards top ten guys as compared to the girls. Girls after 25 is a downward sloping curve moving towards infinity.
4) I realised that there's only a handful of my guy friends who own a blog. I guess i share a common trait with the girls - Sharing is caring.
5) Mum made me a organic ginseng collagen tea again~ I have never seen her making such expensive goodies for herself before. A mother's love is the greatest love of all. I swear to give the same kind of love back to her and my future children :))

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