Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Final Break

Studying all by myself at TRL did not work out as well as i thought. I lasted from 11 to 4..and gave up lol. Theres Kayaking training tomorrow! Time to get tanned and relieve some stress from studying haha! I watched the final episode of Prison Break in the afternoon. ahhhh it ended..after keeping me hooked and on the edge of my seat for the past four years. All good things come to an end.. I have received many many news of people passing away recently. Its kinda sad cause i can feel how much pain it would bring to my friends. 未必明天就有以后...life is fragile and anything can happen, even a canoe instructor can get drowned. So i always make it a point to make known my feelings, the reasons for my actions, always try to go the mile for a friend. Its defined as altruism - gaining welfare from the welfare of others even at a cost to himself..afterall..if you have never given..how will u appreciate it when you receive? Live life to the fullest, laugh as much as you can and don't be afraid to show your love; be it to your lover, your friends or your parents. :)

Live. Laugh. Love

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